WIP: Notes on Iris

Iris is the sister of the character, Olive from Midnight Find, and I think she’s a matchmaker. Not a dating service type, but someone who has that feel for people. I’m also looking to her being someone who creates hand fans.

This idea came about when I ordered some fans online and got lost looking at how different they are, elaborate to simple. Their history and how we’ve all seen their use in movies. Snapping one shut is just as satisfying as hanging up a phone used to be. It’s the end punctuation physicality.

Her home is a mix match of room styles, like we all are. One room is very old-age feminine. The lace, doilies, flower patterns on flowy drapes. Lilac and lavender, soft Tiffany lamps. Laura Ashley-like.

There are times this feel will soothe and times it will irate. But that’s why I want her home to have different styles throughout. Depending on who visits, Iris will know which room will suit them. And, maybe, which person will match with someone else.

I forget, and don’t have my notes close, Iris’ husband’s name…really need to get my character and story database finished and printed for these times. But, I’m thinking he might make walking sticks. A friend’s dad used to make these, okay, my dad’s friend, and dad had a couple. I still have them.

Fans and Canes, hmmmm, series title?  Hmmm, Fans and ____?